Well, I’ve cobbled together 118 slides and will somehow squeeze them into 40 minutes to an hour of Howard Pyle talk tonight at 5.30pm at the Norman Rockwell Museum.
My two main topics are the “befores” and “afters” of Pyle’s work: what went into his pictures (sketches, studies, appropriations, photos, etc.) and things he did to his pictures after they’d already been published (which I’ve talked about now and then on this blog).
On to Stockbridge!
Good luck! Any chance you'll post the slides afterward?
ReplyDeleteI'd hoped to make this, but no such luck. I don't suppose there's any chance that the Rockwell (or you) might post a video of it? --Bob Cosgrove
ReplyDeleteSorry - no video was taken. But I'll definitely post more of what I showed and talked about - and I'll be able to go into more depth than last night's relatively speedy presentation allowed.